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By Thomas NgSeptember 25, 2016In Others

The Flip Classroom

A couple of years ago, a seasoned educator friend explained the Flip classroom concept to me.

Traditionally, a teacher would stand in front of a class and deliver a topic or subject to the class. At the end of it, the teacher would give some homework to the students. When the students are home, they will try to do the homework, trying very hard to recall what was taught in class, and to apply it to the homework. What mostly happens is that the student will try to get help from an elder sibling, or parents. And very often this will eventually lead to private tutoring.

In the Flip classroom, when the students are home, they watch videos on the topic or subject which the teacher is supposed to deliver in class. This could be a video done by the teacher, or any relevant video on the topic from anywhere. This can be augmented by other online tools like animation, quizzes, etc.

When the students come to class, they do their homework i.e. try to apply the knowledge. And the teacher there is there to help and guide them.

How cool is that?

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